We Believe In The Power Of Content and Technology.
Decido sits at the intersection of digital publishing and marketing technology,
offering a solution that empowers publishers by deconstructing the science behind content development, monetization, and distribution, to solve digital publishing’s biggest challenges.
Robust Monetization
Maximizes ad revenue performance from all available channels by creating a highly competitive, real time auction for each impression.
Content Disturbution At Scale
From News Feeds to Emails, our engine knows how to create a meaningful experience for our readers by delivering them the content they need at the right time and the right place - at scale.
Real Time Attribution
Determine the value of multiple, complex combinations of millions of users as they interact with any individual unit of content, in real time.
Each one of us is different.
Your preference is key when consuming content online.
Our technology listens and serves our audiences the most relevant experience based on multiple signals we monitor in real time

Unprecedented Velocity. Impeccable Reliability.
Through the power of technology and content, we’ve mastered the art of delivering results quickly, yet expertly. Our proprietary technology supports real-time data. In digital publishing, analyzing real-time results is pivotal for optimizations and growth. Experience a boost to your business strategy with swiftly delivered results you can rely on.

We Take Pride in Our Numbers
Years of Experience
O&O Properties
Monthly Readers
8 Min
AVG Session Dutaion
Industry Awards
Our Partners